im just a guy who got on the bandwagon of budgeting. From beginner level to intermediate then expert level – grand master level. LOL ok, let me stick to expert level. Excel spreadsheets, budget vs actual, checking budget 5 days before pay day, then implementing payments after … the whole 9 yards. Oh, i have to mention, the holy grail was of course was Oprah’s Budget Plan.
As time goes on, you also adjust / change / tweak your budget. Later, i also started going to free financial seminars to hear what others where doing. Here, there was a buzz word – financial freedom and the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. From these free seminars i would always come out with something new or that i was not aware off or let me say new tips & tricks. i have always been sceptic of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad mainly because i believe that Robert actually makes his money from the book sells… but that’s my own theory. i only bought it rather later and it was a revelation, a very good and worthwhile revelation.
So why are we here? i think, i rather like sharing stuff so i figured why not write about what i see, read and experience and share it, maybe it might help someone, just maybe … lol. A mentor/elder once said to me, ‘look, you don’t have to make mistakes in any new experiences that you may come across that you know i have experienced. Come to me and ask and i will share, advise and also tell you about the mistakes i made so that you don’t make the same mistakes’! It’s super surprising how we never take such opportunities and time to ask those who have the experience or experienced it so that we don’t make the same mistakes. Be it buying a car or house or getting a credit card etc …
In short, i would like to share …
Another thing, i love writing ‘i’ with a small letter. Love it, so that’s how ima write it here. Also, i’m an informal writer so don’t be surprised if you see some informal lingo and exclamations or grammar mistakes. As long as you understand right? Well, that’s the main aim!
i share tips & tricks for your route to financial freedom …
i am on that route too … have you started yours?
i’m learning, i’m sharing! Let’s learn, let’s share.